7 “Most Dangerous Countries” in Europe where to travel safely

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Last Updated on 25 February 2025 by Cycloscope

most dangerous countries europe
photo @Dominik Matus

Find out if it is dangerous to travel in those European countries. Stay safe while traveling to these great destinations in Europe

Europe is supposed to be the safest continent in the world, only two European countries rank in the top 50 of the most dangerous countries in the world (according to the Global Peace Index), Ukraine (10th), and Russia (13th); while 7 of the top 10 safest countries are indeed in Europe.

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Still, for the average traveler, some countries in Europe have among the highest rates of petty crimes in the world. Pickpocketing and scams are quite common in places like Italy, Spain, and France. We all know that those kinds of crimes happen where a lot of tourists go.

Easter Europe especially still suffers from a plethora of stereotypes of high crime rates and general unsafety. From our personal experience, people from every country I was in, mentioned their neighboring nations as dangerous.

Serbians said I was crazy going to do free camping in Romania, so thought about the Romanians of Bulgaria, Bulgarians of Georgia, and so on. Well, that’s the sad fruit of ignorance and sometimes racism. Since all of these countries are generally safe for travelers.

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About this post

This article is a collaborative effort, a bunch of travelers share their experiences in some of the so-called most dangerous countries in Europe.

Some Advice on how to stay safe when traveling

Be prudent, attentive, smart, trust your guts, don’t get drunk, don’t get high (or at least do that only if you really really trust the people you’re with, and the place you’re in). Study the place you’re going to travel, gather as much information as you can, be careful of sensitive topics, and respect local customs.

Just exerting these precautions will make you safe almost everywhere, things can happen of course, but they can happen even if you’re not traveling

7 European countries perceived as dangerous you should travel to!


world most dangerous country

Is Ukraine the most dangerous country in Europe?

By Amy Butler – The Wayfarer’s Book

UPDATE 2025: This article was written before the current war. Check the situation region by region before organizing any trip to Ukraine.

Whenever I tell anyone I’m living in Ukraine, one of their first two questions is, “Is it safe?” (The other is, “Is it cold?”) Yes, absolutely! (And “Yes, especially in January!”) Ukraine came to international attention in 2014 with the Euromaidan Revolution, which saw the people ousting their corrupt president and restarting their government.

This was followed by Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the war in the east, which has drawn mostly negative media attention. However, Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe so you can easily stay far away from conflict zones and still enjoy the country – in fact, now is the perfect time to visit Ukraine!

Ukraine is an undiscovered Europe. It’s full of ancient history, hearty cuisine, helpful people, and stunning nature. With fewer tourists visiting here than elsewhere in Europe, you really feel like you’ve stumbled upon one of Europe’s last puzzles.

From the imposing Soviet architecture to the wildly romanticized marauding Cossacks to the early years of its recent independence, Ukraine’s history and culture will completely engross you.

Ukraine is also crazily affordable. Craft beers are a dollar or two, long-distance trains can cost less than fifteen bucks, and hostel dorm bunks are as low as five dollars! I live a very comfortable life in Kyiv and am able to afford amazing holidays in the Carpathian Mountains for a fraction of what they’d cost in the States or Europe.   

There are some things to keep in mind to stay safe in Ukraine. Obviously, stay away from the war zone in the east. And if the rare political rally or protest erupts, avoid it, just to be on the safe side.

The biggest thing to be mindful of is pickpockets and scammers. But in general, I’ve felt very safe living in and traveling around Ukraine for the last year and a half, and I hope others are inspired to come to visit this gorgeous country!


How dangerous is Belarus?

By Megan Starr

Belarus has somehow managed to achieve a reputation as one of the most unsafe countries in Europe and I cannot for the life of me figure out why. I have been twice and both times I felt safer than any other country I’ve visited in Europe.

Politically speaking, there are some liberties that you don’t necessarily receive in the country, but as long as you respect this and meet locals and see the country from another perspective than its political drama, you will find an Eastern European country filled with hospitable and friendly citizens who want nothing more than to just learn more about where you’re from and why you are visiting Belarus.

The first time I visited, tourism wasn’t booming (I was the only person I knew who had even visited at that time), but due to the visa-free Minsk International Airport scheme they currently are offering, many people are popping in for five days and getting to enjoy this wonderful country. 

Belarus is finally starting to open up a bit and when people visit, they realize that the only true danger of traveling to Belarus is overstaying your visa because you don’t want to leave.


most dangerous country europe
Old Town of Prizren

How safe is it to travel to Kosovo?

By Michael Rozenblit – The World Was Here First – facebook.com/theworldwasherefirst

For many people who grew up during the 1990s, most of what they will know about Kosovo is related to the Balkans war that devastated the region. However, while many of its neighbors – such as Montenegro and Croatia – have enjoyed booms in tourism since the war ended, Kosovo remains fairly untouched, even for travelers taking longer trips throughout the Balkans.

Those who make the effort to visit Kosovo will find a country that wants to move on from its tragic past and welcome tourists.

There’s also plenty to see in Kosovo, including the picturesque Ottoman-influenced old town of Prizren, the dynamic capital of Pristina, and plenty of hiking opportunities in the many national parks that exist throughout the country.

The war has been over in Kosovo for nearly two decades now so the country is as safe to visit as its neighboring ones.

The main safety-related things to keep in mind when traveling in Kosovo are to not go hiking on unmarked trails as there is still a risk of unexploded landmines and to stay up to date on the latest news when traveling close to Kosovo and Serbia border – there are still occasional skirmishes that can happen. You should also avoid entering Serbia from Kosovo as this will constitute illegal entry into Serbia.


most dangerous country europe

Should you travel to Abkhazia?

By Megan Starr

Before visiting Abkhazia back in 2013, I read someone’s recap of the unrecognized country that stated it was dangerous and every citizen was walking around with a gun in their back pocket ready to use it.

I don’t know why I still felt compelled to visit- perhaps it was the history or the thrill of going somewhere that someone told me not to visit.  Either way, I arrived in a place that is highly misunderstood and I never saw a gun the entire time.

While I didn’t choose to walk around at night alone (I faced a huge language barrier and that was the main reason behind this), I walked around all day alone as a female and never felt any harm.

The locals tried chatting with me and everyone was so friendly and curious about why I was visiting their land.  Abkhazia has a horrific history, as does the entire Caucasus region, but the tourism opportunities are there.  Abkhazia is a land of rugged mountains, beautiful beaches, tasty food, and extremely friendly people. 

While it may not be at the top of everyone’s list, I think it leaves an opportunity to surprise those who visit.


Is it dangerous to visit Albania?

By Allison Green – Eternal Arrival – facebook.com/eternalarrival

For some reason, Albania is imprinted in many people’s minds as a dangerous country – perhaps because of the movie Taken. While it’s true that there is an Albanian mafia, the reality is that the mafia families generally operate outside of Albania, not inside.

To summarize what a local once told me: The Albanian mafia has all left, after all, who would they steal from here? I spent three weeks in Albania, traveling entirely solo, and never felt a moment of danger. In fact, the locals are some of the kindest people I’ve met on all of my travels, always making sure I was all set with directions, food, you name it!

Once you get over Albania’s image problem, you’ll wonder why it took you so long to visit. Albania has some of the most beautiful beaches and landscapes in all of Europe.

The food is delicious, fresh, and always affordable, and has a lot in common with the food of its neighbor to the south, Greece. It’s not very touristy yet, but it’s easy enough to get around with plenty of hotels and hostels, and restaurants catering to intrepid visitors.

To stay safe in Albania, use normal precautions like not drinking to excess, watching when crossing the road (Albanian drivers are crazy!), and keeping an eye on your belongings.

You may want to take a taxi rather than walk at night in the cities. Always ask before drinking tap water, as it is okay to drink in some areas but not in others, or stick to bottled water. Besides that, there are really no special concerns about traveling to Albania.


travel romania
Romania_road to Targu Jiu

Is Romania a dangerous country?

By Daniele Giannotta – Cycloscope.net

Romania has to struggle with a long-standing bad image, with the stereotypes of all Romanians being gypsies and all gypsies being criminals.

While it’s true that there is a huge minority of Roma people in Romania, just with a little bit of research, you’ll easily find out how all these stereotypes are just based on racism, and how fascinating is the culture and history of this nomadic people.

During our three-week bicycle trip to Romania, the biggest problems we had were with stray dogs. Romania seriously has a problem with that, and some areas might be dangerous at night (or even during the day, especially for cyclists).

It’s important to remember never to give your back to dogs and run away, they’ll just feel powerful, start chasing, and eventually bite you. Always face them, trying to use a low and loud tone of voice to scare them away.

As it goes for people, just exert the standard precautions, maybe even a bit more of that. Trust your guts and stay clear of suspicious people, don’t show off too much wealth, and don’t walk around drunk or high. If in Bucharest, choose a good hostel in a quiet neighborhood. 

Romania really is a beautiful and interesting country, with a rural lifestyle still tied to old traditions (well, mainly because of poverty).

Southern Italy

Dangerous Italy

Should you be afraid to travel to Southern Italy?

By Daniele Giannotta – Cycloscope.net

Among the 20 regions of Italy, the south has some of the most beautiful ones, especially regarding beaches and coastlines. Unfortunately, these areas are often deemed dangerous by occasional tourists.

As a Sicilian who also used to live in Naples, I consider myself quite an expert on Southern Italy. There are so many stereotypes about Southern Italy as probably no other place in the world.

First of all, let me say that we don’t walk around with Coppola hats and rifles, Mafia is mainly an economic thing involving politics and such, and you won’t see gun shootings on the streets.

Pickpocketing is less common than in Rome (which is not a great achievement, considering that Rome ranks second after Barcelona for the number of petty thefts), while it is not impossible to find people who want to scam you. Just be aware of random people approaching you and proposing deals, don’t buy anything from them, and don’t put money in their hands.

Some nightlife city areas are not super enjoyable on Saturday nights, because of baby gangs wanting to pick up fights (we say “they open the cages of the zoo” Saturday night), but they are no big deal, just ignore them and don’t get involved.

There are just so many reasons to visit Southern Italy that mentioning them all will take another two or three articles! Some of the most beautiful landmarks in Italy are in the South. Just think of the amazing beaches, baroque architecture, volcanoes, food, fisherman hamlets, cultural capitals, markets, and so on and on.

dangerous countries europe
  1. Oh, grow up! I live in Romania and I’m perfectly fine. There aren’t stray dogs chasing me around. And yes, gypsies exist but they don’t overwhelm you.

    I’ve been to Rome , too, and Southern Italy. No one pickpocketed me but I did land into a scammer. Wasn’t a disaster, though. More like a lesson learned and reason to write an article.

    It saddens me to see Romania on such a list. It’s one of the safest countries in Europe. I travel quite a bit and still feel safest at home.

    1. Hi Cris, it looks like you misunderstood the article. The purpose is to tell people these places are actually safe, while many think differently. We cycled three weeks in Romania, went to many areas of Roma majority, wild camped everywhere and all went fine (there was an unhappy episode involving an Italian scammer though). I’m from Sicily so I really know how southern Italy works, indeed that’s what I wrote here. Please read more carefully.

  2. I have been to Italy multiple times. I was pickpocketed by gypsies in Rome and some Algerian or Tuinigian goons around Roma Termini station try to threaten you if you walk around there at night. So now, we always open-carry a knife and pepper sprays whenever we visit Italy again and now nobody tries to give us sh$t even in Naples, Bari and anywhere in Italy. No more gypsies, no more baby ganges or whaever. Open carry a knife!! No body tries to harrass you anymore. It is legal as long as the blade lenght is less than the total width of your four fingers together.

    1. Not only it is not legal to open carry a knife (in Italy), it is also extremely dangerous (everywhere). It is not a wise idea to go into a “not safe” neighborhood you don’t know (and don’t even speak the language) with a visible knife. What you risk without a knife is to have your wallet stolen, with a knife in your hands you risk to get killed

  3. “During our three-weeks bicycle trip in Romania, the biggest problems we had were with stray dogs. Romania seriously has a problem with that, and some areas might be dangerous at night (or even during the day, especially for cyclists).
    Romania really is a beautiful and interesting country, with a rural lifestyle still tied to old traditions (well, mainly because of poverty).”
    Yeah, I read your article. Quotes or not quotes in the title, you are doing all of the countries an injustice. People generally skim through and don’t get past the title. So personally I would have written it differently if your intention was really to say… “you should go”.
    And yes, while some parts of the countryside still struggle with poverty, I can assure you that the cities DO not. It’s way worse in Puglia (and I lived there, as well).

  4. I’m searching for cycling routes around Europe, especially many of the countries you cover here. Do you have any favourite routes you’ve taken? Especially around the Balkans and surroundings. There’s not a huge amount written about them from a cycling perspective, but what I have found has been incredible.

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