What’s the best rooftop tent for a jeep rack? Softshell, hardshell, cheap, top, lightweight, for all budgets 2-person/3-person/4-person/ Large or...
Joined26 July 2023
Political science grad, nature & culture enthusiast, anthropology addict. Expert cyclist & outdoor adventurer, Elena has a 2-decades-long experience in all things outdoor. Since 2014, she's been embarking on a global journey, biking through diverse landscapes, embracing adventures, and learning from the world's fascinating tapestry of humanity.
What’s the best chamois cream for cycling? Here are 9 Long Rides anti-chafing butters for female and male bike rider’s...
Le 6 Migliori Gabbie per Bici + le 5 Migliori Borse Impermeabili per Forcella da Bikepacking. Salsa Anything, Gorilla Cage,...
13 of the best cycling backpacks. Waterproof, lightweight, roll-top cycling rucksacks from cheap to top. The best bikepacking backpacks As...
Get your hands on the best handlebar tape!The 9 most comfortable bar tapes for road bike, touring, gravel, bikepacking. The...
The 11 Best Bike Phone Mount In 2024. The Best Bike Phone Holder for Commuting, MTB, BikepackingCase Mounts, Universal Mounts...
11 Migliori Borse da Sella per Bici per Tutte le Tasche a confronto. Borse impermeabili per bikepacking e ciclismo urbano,...
Bikepacking vs Cycle Touring? Which style is better? The pros and cons of a Pannier Setup against Bikepacking Bags+ some...
Metti le mani sul miglior nastro manubrio! Gli 8 nastri per manubrio piĂą comodi per bici da strada, touring, gravel,...
I Migliori Set di Ruote Gravel recensiti. Ruote da bikepacking, tubeless ready, clincher, disco, 700c vs 650b. Tutto sulle migliori...