Aral Lake (or Aral Sea) used to be the 4th largest lake in the world for surface (68,000km2). Now is almost a pond. What left it like it's now?
Uranium mining in Kyrgyzstan, and radioactive waste at the border with the valley of Fergana. A serious issue for the geopolitical stability of the region
Sungai Asap is where the Borneo people (Kenyah, Penan, Kayan) have been resettled to built the huge Bakun dam. Their ancestral homes and lands flooded
Svan people, their culture, dwellings, and crafts. All of this could disappear to produce so-called "clean energy". History of Svaneti and Khudoni hydropower plant.
Everything you need to know about scuba diving in Lake MalawiBest locations, its colorful and mysterious fish (Malawi Cichlids), accommodation,...